The Secret Life of a Teenage Siren by Wendy Toliver (SOLD)
Title: The Secret Life of A Teenage Siren
Author: Wendy Toliver
ISBN No.: 9781416950653
No. of pages: 281
Type of Cover: Paperback
Description: Roxy's about to turn sixteen, but life isn't so sweet. As a band geek, Roxy can barely get the cute guys to notice her, much less go out with her. Then, on her birthday, Roxy is transformed into a Siren: seductively beautiful with the power to control all men. She thought Sirens were an ancient myth, but suddenly Roxy can get any guy she wants with just a few notes on her flute.
There are only two rules: don't tell anyone about being a Siren, and don't fall in love. When she starts dating Zach, the guy everybody's crushing on, Roxy realizes she could get used to this Siren thing. . . but how can she keep herself from falling in love?
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